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Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School Library Media Center

Inquiry Based Research Process


Usernames and Password to All Databases


Click on the pyramid below to access the instructions, guidance and questions for the first 10 Notecards


Week 2

Week 1






Instructions on how to set up your account.

Adding sources and making notecards

Username and Password

Our go-to encyclopedia features three different reading levels.

Use THIS TUTORIAL to ensure you're getting the most out of all its features.

A great place to start to either

pick a topic or to begin learning.

News and magazine articles database on current issues.  

Click HERE for a tutorial.

Articles database on current issues, for middle and high school research.

Database of articles covering all subjects and time periods.

  Best for advanced readers.

Articles from magazines, books, newspapers,

and academic journals on over 500 topics.

These databases are available through the public library. 

You will need your library card barcode.  If you don't have

a library card for access.  Contact Mrs. Feriano

Articles, overviews, editorials, statistics, and primary sources

on controversial social issues

Reference articles, journal articles, primary sources, maps,

and charts on topics in world history. 


Good Research follows a cycle of Inquiry, Investigation, Connections, Constructing Meaning and Reflection.  

Everything else is just a report.  (That's bad, just ask Ms.Kay)