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Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School Library Media Center

Humanities Team

Mr. Petroff Humanities World Studies

Dr. Ebinama Humanities English

Mr. Dempsey Humanities Media

Mrs. Feriano Media

Mrs. Kay Humanities English

Mr. Lehane--Humanities English 8 and Media

Humanities Summer Work

Select the correct grade level tab (above) to locate all Humanities Magnet Program Assignments

Questions? Email someone from the team

Summer Reading 2024

Humanities English 6

Ms. Kay


Welcome to summer! I’m delighted that you will be joining us in the fall at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School. The Humanities and Communication Program is a rigorous but engaging three-year course of study that focuses on human history, expression, culture, and thought. It is a program that is designed to help students understand how to analyze and solve complex challenges—a skill they will need more than ever in our rapidly changing world. 

To prepare for our first Grade 6 unit, Utopia, I have compiled a collection of utopian short stories to choose from, along with a capture sheet on which to record your observations about what you’ve read. All materials are available on our Google Classroom, but I have also included links on this document if you have any trouble joining the classroom. 


Step 1: Browse from a selection of short fiction and non-fiction documents. Pick one to read and use for this assignment. You can use this link to take you to a document with links to all of them:  

Step 2  Fill out the capture sheet for the story, article, or novel that you read. Make sure to answer every question, and don’t forget the paragraph! 

Step 3 Proofread your work! This is an important step in all your work, so please allow time to do this. 

Step 4: Turn in your work on Canvas by Friday, September 1, 2024. This will be worth 20 homework points. You do NOT have to turn it in on the Google Classroom--this is just a place to find your materials and to introduce yourself to future classmates!

Step 5: Enjoy the rest of your summer! 




  Humanities World Studies 6

Summer 2023 Assignment 

Humanities World Studies 6

My Artifact Project (15 pts) 

Part of the process of forming a learning community will be to get to know each other’s backgrounds and philosophies. One of the activities designed to facilitate that process is our “My Artifact” Project. Artifacts are objects made or modified by people. The project task is to select a personal artifact, provide information about it, explain why you selected it to represent you, and tell what people can learn about present-day life through your artifact. 

You will complete the Project this summer by selecting an artifact that represents you and answering some background questions about it. The My Artifact Project is due on the fifth day of class. There will be a reminder on the first day of class that the completed assignment is due at the end of the week. The deadline for this assignment is the first day of the second week of school. 

This assignment will be scored for mastery (All Tasks/Assessments). 


Click this Link to Access the full assignment and instructions




6th Grade Humanities Media 

Summer Assignment

For this first assignment for your Humanities Media 6 class, show us how creative you can be.  Show off what you can do!


Humanities Program Summer Assignments

7th Grade Humanities


Preparing for NHD

Individuals and Societies, English and Media

 Access All Assignments with the link





2024-2025  Humanities 8 Summer Reading Challenge!

8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment

Use these resources to locate a book.  MLK media center is happy to loan out our books for summer reading (books will be due in Sept).

MLK’s Destiny Catalog

Sora (ebooks and Audio Books)

Montgomery County Public Library (Print books, ebooks and audio available)

Need a recommendation?  See Mrs. Feriano or check out this list


8th Grade Summer Media Assignment